2024 Congress Schedule

Vancouver, BC, Canada – August 7-10 2024

Day 1 – Thursday Aug, 8

All time are in local time (PDT)


5:30pm – 6:00pm


Registration & Reception

Pick up your conference package & 20-year commemorative glass in the lobby outside the reception entrance.

Join delegates from the pre-conference seminars, along with the delegates arriving for the main congress for wine, drinks, and appies. This is a casual evening, and spouses and family are welcome to join.

Hosted in the Faculty Lounge, with an outside terrace of the Allard School of Law, where the pre-conference educational seminars are held, doors will be open from 5:30 pm -9 pm. You can also pick up your commerative glass celebrating IIRRM’s 20th Annual Meeting & Congress.

Gold and Silver sponsor exhibits will be open in the Allard foyer in the late afternoon.  Map of Allard Hall here.


6:00pm – 6:15pm


Welcoming Remarks & Addresses

Phil Boyle, MD. IIRRM President, Dublin, Ireland.

Tracey Parnell, MD. Director, IIRRM Board of Trustees, Cranbrook, BC, Canada.


6:15PM – 7:00PM


Patient Testimonies

Hear from the patients whose lives have been profoundly transformed by restorative reproductive medicine, through compassionate care, addressing underlying causes, and advances in knowledge, treatments and interventions.


7:00PM – 9:30PM


Evening Reception

Join the reception throughout the evening while you get settled in on campus.

Come and mingle for snacks through the evening.  No formal dinner is planned, but we encourage attendees to explore the restaurants on campus or take a walk down to Spanish Banks Beach for sunset. Most on-campus accommodation has kitchens and group lounges. We will begin wrapping up and clean up around 9:15pm.

Day 2 – Friday Aug, 9


8:00am - 8:45am

DHEA supplementation and oestradiol testing for a healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy & miscarriage prevention

Phil Boyle, MD. Founder & Medical Director, NeoFertility. Co-founder, ChartNeo. IIRRM Trustee, President. Dublin, Ireland.

Dr. Boyle trained in NaProTechnology before developing NeoFertility in 2016. Dr. Boyle is president of the IIRRM (International Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine). He runs a fertility clinic in Dublin, Ireland, and has successfully treated over 3000 pregnancies, many patients with years of infertility, repeated miscarriage and unsuccessful IVF. He is currently researching the effectiveness of estrogen treatment to reduce the risk of miscarriage and premature delivery


8:45am - 9:30am

Restorative Andrology

Andrology & Immunology

Katarzyna Jankowska, MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor at Department of Endocrinology, Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw, Poland Clinical Endocrinologist and Andrologist Immunologist. Consultant in Endocrinology at Bielanski Hospital. Warsaw, Poland

9:30am - 10:30am

LIFE Foyer

Poster Sessions & Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall

Visit and view new and developing RRM research and visit our exhibitors.


10:30am - 11:15 am

LIFE 2201

Transforming Growth Factor β Signaling in Uterine Development and Function

Pregnancy & miscarriage prevention

April Lind, MD. IFMCP Integrative & Functional Medicine. Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Dr. Lind is board-certified in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics and Certified in functional medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine. Dr. Lind completed her medical training at the University of Minnesota and has a Master’s in Physiology and Biophysics at Georgetown University. She has spent over 20 years in primary care and hospital medicine. Dr. Lind is a Certified Medical Consultant for the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. She is also trained in FEMM as a Reproductive Health Research Institute (RHRI) fellow.


11:15am - 12:00pm

LIFE 2201

Balancing Hormones for Life


Michelle Gray, R.Pharm, C4 HRT Specialist.

12:00pm - 1:30pm

LIFE Courtyard


Join us for lunch, included with your conference registration.


1:30pm - 2:15pm

LIFE 2201

Restorative and Technological Approaches for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility: Pro et Contra.

Models of Care/Fertility Tech & M-health

Craig Turczynski, PhD. ALS-P(AAB) (Andrology Laboratory Scientist-Provisional). Texas, USA.

2:15pm - 3:00pm

LIFE 2201

Quantitative Hormone Monitoring of the Menstrual Cycle

Models of Care/Fertility Tech & M-health

Thomas Bouchard, MD. Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Calgary. Calgary, AB, Canada.

Identify evidence-based thresholds for Mira Monitor protocols in the Marquette Method and identify challenges with teaching couples how to interpret quantitative hormone results.  Additionally, the presentation explores the nuanced differences in utilizing quantitative monitors across various circumstances, including postpartum, regular cycles, and perimenopause, etc., providing valuable guidance for clinicians and educators in the field.


3:00pm - 4:00pm

LIFE Foyer

Poster Sessions & Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall

Visit and view new and developing RRM research and visit our exhibitors.


4:00pm - 4:45PM

LIFE 2201

Endometriosis: Prevention, Diagnosis and Timely Treatment


Manuel Donoso, MD. Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Santiago, Chile.

This presentation gives insights into the detection and diagnosis of endometriosis, addressing both future risk assessment and current identification of potential cases. Learn to accurately diagnose patients with deep endometriosis, effective strategies for identifying patients at risk of developing endometriosis, recognizing those already affected by the condition, and when to operate on patients with endometriosis.



LIFE 2201

Endometriosis Surgery to Restore Anatomy: Goals, Evidence and Controversies


Paul Yong, MD, PhD, FRCSC. Research Director & Gynaecologist, BC Women's Centre for Pelvic Pain & Endometriosis. Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Review the goal of endometriosis surgery focusing on the restoration of normal anatomy and its impact on pain and fertility outcomes. This session will explore the goals, evidence, and controversies surrounding surgical interventions for endometriosis, as well as adjunct therapies aimed at optimizing patient outcomes.


5:45pm - 6:00pm

Discussion & Closing remarks



7:00 Pm -10:00pm

SAGE - LOCATED IN UBC Graduate School

Banquet: Celebrating 20 Years

10 minute walk to Sage from Life Building or most residences.

Unwind with colleagues for a 3 course meal, beverages and local cuisine with views of the mountains and ocean.
Spouses and family are invited – please purchase tickets for each person attending.

Day 2 – Saturday Aug, 10


8:00am - 8:45 am

A tailored medical approach based in Fertility Charting to handle PCOS patients

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

José Antonio Arraztoa Valdivielso, MD, MSc, FACOG. Professor, Universidad de los Andes. Santiago, Chile.

Dr. Jose Antonio Arraztoa specializes in obstetrics and gynecology holds a master’s degree in reproductive biology as well as health management, and completed a research fellowship in reproductive endocrinology at NICHD/NIH. Since 1996 he has been a professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the Universidad de los Andes, where he has developed his academic career, currently being a Full Professor. He is the founder and current director of the Program for the Care and Study of Fertility (PROCEF) of the Universidad de los Andes, and Deputy Medical Director at the Universidad de los Andes.


8:45AM - 9:30AM

2024 PCOS Update

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Maria Wolfs, MD, MHSc., FRCPC. Endocrinologist & Assistant Professor, St. Michael's Hospital. Toronto, ON, Canada.

9:30am - 10:30am

LIFE Foyer

Poster Sessions & Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall

Visit and view new and developing RRM research and visit our exhibitors.


10:30am - 11:15pm

LIFE 2201

Updates in Post Coital Testing


Juan González de Canales Díaz, MD. Obstetrics and Gynecology Fellow, Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Madrid, Spain.

11:15am - 12:00pm

LIFE 2201

Methods To Induce Ovulation In Women With Premature Menopause


Jerome Check, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of OB/GYN. Division Head of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility at Cooper Medical School, Rowan University. New Jersey, USA.

The presentation discusses inducing ovulation and achieving successful pregnancies in women seemingly in total menopause, highlighting methods to enhance follicle sensitivity to FSH, with compounded ethinyl estradiol being the cost-effective approach. It emphasizes the importance of supplemental progesterone, particularly vaginally, to maximize pregnancy success post-ovulation induction. Additionally, it addresses instances where additional FSH stimulation is necessary and outlines the conditions and dosage requirements for such interventions.


12:00pm - 1:30pm

LIFE Courtyard


Join us for lunch, included with your conference registration.


1:30pm - 2:15pm

LIFE 2201

The Endocannibinoid System and Its Role in the Reproductive System

Science, pharm and lifestyle

Gretchen Marsh, D.O. Fertility Care Center of Reno. NV, USA.

This presentation delves into the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and its components and the impact on reproductive health.  Learn to identify and distinguish how the ECS components affect reproductive health, and identify specific pathologies of the ECS observed in common reproductive conditions.


2:15pm - 3:00pm

LIFE 2201

Merging Naturopathic Medicine with Restorative Pharmacology: Harnessing Drug-Herb Interactions to Restore Fertility

Science, pharm and lifestyle

Nora Pope, FCP & Jessica Liu, ND. Founders, FertilityCE. Toronto, ON, Canada.

The multifactorial nature of infertility is well-established. Immunological infertility is a prime example of a complex etiology of infertility. The mechanisms at play hinder optimal hormonal balance, contribute to progesterone resistance, and jeopardize full-term pregnancies.

This lecture explores the safe and effective merging of Botanical and Allopathic Pharmacology to enhance clinical outcomes. They work synergistically to address obstacles to cure by:

  • Normalizing the immune response
  • Reducing gynecological inflammation
  • Restoring fertility in your patients

The Pharmaceutical Medications discussed include:

  • Bio-identical progesterone, HCG, LDN, and Tumour Necrosis Factor Inhibitors
  • Bio-identical progesterone and HCG are used to overcome progesterone deficiency, support the endometrium, improve implantation, and support a full-term pregnancy
  • LDN and TNFIs help modulate the immune system

Relevant Pharmacological Mode of Actions in the literature include:

  • Modulating Tumour Necrosis Factor, IL-6, and IL-1

Applicable natural therapeutics in the literature include:

  • Baical Skullcap, Turmeric, Chaste Tree, Ginger, Panax Ginseng, Resveratrol, Berberine, and Pycnogenol

Cases will be discussed and accompanied by Menstrual Cycle Charts to present a visual representation of changes seen before and after treatment.


3:00pm - 4:00pm

LIFE Foyer

Poster Sessions & Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall

Visit and view new and developing RRM research and visit our exhibitors

4:00pm - 4:45pm

LIFE 2201

Impact of Sleep on Reproductive Health

Science, pharm and lifestyle

Lynn Keenan, MD. UCSF Fresno, IRRMA Board of Directors.

Explore the relationship between sleep and reproductive health, uncovering how sleep quality impacts fertility, menstrual health, and pregnancy outcomes. Learn evidence-based strategies to optimize sleep quality and achieve better reproductive outcomes


4:45pm - 5:30pm

LIFE 2201

Role of Oxidative Stress & N-acetylcysteine

Maria Bizečki, BSP ACPR CFCP CFCPhC. Calgary, AB, Canada.

5:30pm - 6:00pm

RRM Vision 2050 & IIRRM Annual General Meeting



6:00 PM

Conference Concludes

Small group dinners, and suggested local activities